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Borowski Glas Headerbild

Art Objects

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MAO Massai von Borowski Glas bei AMARU Design

Outdoor Objects

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Borowski Glas Pfau PAVO in gelb aus der Outdoor Object Kollektion bei AMARU Design

KIWI EGG Zitro von Borowski Glas im AMARU Design

Noble garden art — Borowski Glas — Noble garden art — Borowski Glas —

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Borowski Glas

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Art Objects

Outdoor Objects

Studio Line

Borowski Glas Art

With Borowski Glas, we present a high-quality modern glass collection made of coloured and polished glass. The art objects are often an interplay of juicy curves and an abstract or whimsical expression. The bright colours immediately catch the eye of the beholder.
Some art objects are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. In order to create a special atmosphere in the evening, Glassstudio Borowski integrates the outdoor objects with illuminants.

All art objects are made by hand.



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